How we work.

We follow the basic assumptions that


Psychological problems are multidimensional and too complex to be explained by just one theory.

Our approach is integrative, meaning we understand that each client is different, so tailor our work to suit the needs of the individual. Integrative therapists bring together ideas, techniques and tools from a variety of different psychotherapeutic approaches, based on the clients’ needs and own frame of reference.


The client is the expert on their own life.

You have all the information, the questions and the answers. Our role is to help you work out what they are.


Unprocessed feelings and experiences in our subconscious can result in repeating patterns.

When faced with situations similar to those in our past, automative thoughts and feelings can be reactivated, resulting in patterns of behaviours and a tendency to repeat previous coping strategies.


Healing is essential to living and survival.

Processing and healing the past is a necessity in order to prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for future struggle.

Our Therapist Says

“ Far from the caricature-esque, Freudian blank canvas, my approach is intersubjective, informative, relaxed, open and congruent.

Trauma sensitive, culturally competent, intersectional, political - my client work is focused on addressing the impacts of living as people with marginalised identities in the context of our environments.

My private practice and charity work is complemented by my passion and commitment to political and social justice activism; I believe the revolution lies in dismantling the system externally, as well as unpacking and processing how it impacts us individually and manifests itself within.

I am political, intersectional, trauma-informed and consciously work to be considerate of social context and different factors impacting individual clients, in order to provide a fair and equal service to all - in line with the BACP Ethical Framework.”


Let us help you.